ITEM NO:  09

Application No.



Binfield With Warfield

Date Registered:

19 January 2022

Target Decision Date:

16 March 2022

Site Address:

Whitegates St Marks Road Binfield Bracknell Berkshire RG42 4AT


Proposed side and rear extensions and alterations to enlarge existing residential accommodation (C3 use) and extension to existing 6 bedsits in connection with existing bed and breakfast accommodation (C1) and addition of parking space.


Mr Makarchuk


Mr Alistair Lloyd

Case Officer:

Sarah Fryer, 01344 352000


Site Location Plan  (for identification purposes only, not to scale)

© Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.  Bracknell Forest Borough Council 100019488 2004

































1.1       This application is for extensions and alterations to enlarge the living accommodation at Whitegates, St Marks Road, Binfield. The application property is currently used as a Bed and Breakfast with private accommodation for the occupiers adjoining it.


1.2       The proposal seeks a mixture of single storey and two storey extensions and re-configuration of the internal space.


1.3       There are no proposed rear windows any closer to the properties of Woodies Close, nor are any additional bedrooms proposed which would result in a requirement for additional off-street parking spaces. The proposal is considered to be acceptable.



Planning permission be granted subject to the conditions in Section 11 of this report




2.1       The application is reported to the Planning Committee as it has received more than 5 objections.





Within settlement boundary


3.1       This application relates to a property known as Whitegates located on the west side of St Mark’s Road within the settlement of Binfield.


3.2       This is a two-storey building with a gravelled parking area to the front. The northern boundary of the site runs alongside Woodies Close, a small cul-de-sac. Residential properties border the site to the south and west, while to the east and across St Marks Road are the grounds of Newbold College.


3.3       The site is currently used a Bed and Breakfast guest house with residential accommodation for the applicant. Currently the residential element consists of a kitchen, living room and 3 en-suite bedrooms, whilst the guest house has 6 en-suite bedrooms with a dining room on the ground floor.




4.1 The relevant planning history can be summarised as follows:


20/00529/FUL Erection of single storey side extension, and two storey side and rear extensions to enlarge existing residential accommodation (C3 use) and extension to existing bedsits in connection with existing bed and breakfast accommodation (C1).

Refused (Dismissed at appeal)



Change of use from offices to mixed residential and bed and breakfast accommodation with minor elevational alterations.



5.         THE PROPOSAL


5.1       Planning permission is sought for a two-storey side and part rear extension and a single storey side and rear extension to extend 5 out of 6 of the existing bedsits to include sitting and small kitchen facilities, and extend two of the existing bedrooms to the dwellinghouse element. The accommodation would remain as a 3 bedroomed dwelling for the proprietor and his family and 6 en-suite bed and breakfast rooms.


5.2       To the rear the property would be extended by 2m at first floor, and at ground floor by 1m to 4m.  To the side the ground floor would be extended by 1.5m whilst the first floor would be extended by 3.1m. In addition, a bay window is proposed to the front elevation.




  Binfield Parish Council

6.1 Recommends refusal for the following reasons:

·         The site already has inadequate parking which often creates overspill issues on neighbouring roads.

·         Overdevelopment of the site in a residential area, the development would come extremely close to neighbouring properties.

·         Many concerns from neighbouring properties that planning conditions imposed previously have not been adhered to.

·         The business if run as a B&B with short term accommodation. The plans indicate that this is to change with longer term accommodation being provided. This would create different traffic movements. As stated by the Inspector at the most recent appeal for the site that the proposals would result in a harmful effect on highway safety.

·         There are no disabled parking spaces


            Other Representations

6.2 10 Letters of objection from different addresses have been received objecting to the proposal on the following grounds;


·         The proposal changes the nature of the proposal, with additional floor space and facilities for each bedsit.

·         Proposal will be close to the shared boundary, and damage trees planted to screen previous amendments to Whitegates.

·         Building right up to the boundary, will not provide space for future maintenance to this elevation.

·         The applicant has not complied with conditions imposed upon the previous consent.

·         Proposal would be overdevelopment in the context of the plot and site. 

·         There is no available on street parking within the area, resulting in nearby garage block being hit.

·         Increase in noise levels, overcrowding and invasion of privacy due to the proximity of  residential properties, number of proposed rooms and increase in the number of guests.

·         St Mark’s Road has a high usage due to other residences built in the village.

·         In case of emergency there is insufficient turning within Whitegates and in Woodies Close.

·         Proposed extension is overbearing and out of scale.

·         Concern that Whitegates will be used as a HMO or to house students from Newbold College.[Officer comment: this application is for extensions and alterations only and no change of use has been applied for. In addition, the agent has confirmed the applicants intention to continue using this on short term bookings only]. 

·         Extension will promote parking in Woodies Close and result in increased footfall and usage of a road which is already degrading.

·         Negative impact upon Woodies Close residents.

·         To date the hotel has failed to address issues of continued use of drains and water leakage.

·         Whilst 10 parking spaces are shown, in reality 8 parking spaces are more realistic.

·         There is currently one trailer which is permanently parked within the parking area, reducing the space for guests.

·         Failure to comply with previous conditions imposed upon historic application

·         SE side window will overlook and result in an invasion of privacy, SE side extension close to the boundary.

·         Plans are to infill the plot which is over-development.




            Highway Authority

7.1       Highway authority objects to the proposal.




8.1       The primary strategic planning considerations applying to the site and associated policies are:



Development Plan


General policies

CS1 and CS2 of the CSDPD



CS7 of the CSDPD BF1 of Binfield Neighbourhood Plan




‘Saved’ policies EN1, EN2 and EN20 of the BFBLP, BF1 of Binfield Neighbourhood Plan



‘Saved’ policy M9 of the BFBLP

CS23 of the CSDPD

Consistent - Para. 105 refers to LPAs setting their own parking standards for residential development

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Bracknell Forest Borough Parking Standards, Supplementary Planning Document (2016)

Bracknell Forest Borough Streetscene Supplementary Planning Document (2011)

Bracknell Forest Design Supplementary Planning Document (2017)


Other publications

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)




9.1       The key issues for consideration are:

i. Principle of Development

ii.             Impact on Character and Appearance of Surrounding Area

iii.            Impact on Residential Amenity

iv.           Transport and Highways Considerations



i.              Principle of Development


9.2       Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise, which is supported by the NPPF (paras. 2 and 12).  Policy CP1 of the Site Allocations Local Plan sets out that a positive approach should be taken to considering development proposals (which reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development set out in the NPPF), and that planning applications that accord with the development plan for Bracknell Forest should be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


9.3       Core Strategy Policies CS1 (Sustainable Development) and CS2 (Locational Principles) are relevant and consistent with the objectives of the NPPF, and can be afforded full weight. In particular, Policy CS2 permits development within defined settlements. The application site is located within a defined settlement as designated by the Bracknell Forest Borough Policies Map. Therefore, the principle of development on this site is acceptable.


9.4       Objections have been received on the basis that the layout and size of the bedsits suggests that they could be used as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO). The application does not seek to change the use, and the applicant has previousley confirmed that the alterations are to meet a market demand.


9.5       The principle of the proposal is therefore considered to be acceptable,  subject to compliance with the requirements of other relevant policies within the BFBLP and NPPF.


ii.            Impact on Character and Appearance of Surrounding Area


9.6       Policy EN20 of the BFBLP and CS7 of the CSDPD seek a high quality of design which compliments the character of the area. Policy BF1 (which applies to extension and outbuildings) of the Binfield Neighbourhood Plan seeks development which reflects the scale, mass, height and form of neighbouring properties.


9.7       Binfield Neighbourhood Plan Policy BF1, states that infill and backland development (including extensions and outbuildings) should protect the amenities of neighbours and reflect the scale, mass, height and built form of neighbouring properties.


9.8       The application does not propose a change of use or any more bedrooms than currently exist. Accordingly, there are no objections relating to the use.  


9.9       The proposal comprises various extensions and alterations. At ground floor it is proposed to extend to the north, to the side boundary, the west boundary with 1 Woodies Close, and to the south a single storey extension is proposed to the southern boundary with Whispers. To the rear and western boundary, a single storey extension is proposed extending between 1.0m and 4.0m.




9.10     At first floor it is proposed to extend to the north by 3.2m and to the rear by 2.0m, over the existing first floor flat roof to the southern side of the property. The first floor elements would be set in from the boundary.



9.11     Whitegates occupies a corner plot, located on the southern side of the junction of Woodies Close and St Marks Road, within the settlement of Binfield. Residential development to the north is characterised by smaller gardens, with a tighter urban grain whilst to the south the plots are larger and the grain is looser with more variety in the siting, size and design.


9.12     Whilst the extension would be large, the property is set back from the highway, and a garden depth of between 9.1m and 10.5m is considered adequate. Given the denser form of development to the north and rear of the application site it is considered that the scale of the proposal would not be harmful to the character or appearance of the area.  Adequate space would be maintained to the front and rear of the property to prevent the appearance of cramming. 



9.13     The two storey side element on the northern elevation would be set back from the front and side elevation, and reads as a subordinate addition, thereby complying with good design principles. The single storey element would extend to the side boundary of the site, however the roof would pitch away from the boundary, approximately 80cm above the top of the existing fence therefore not creating an overly dominant feature on Woodies Close. 




9.14     To the southern boundary the proposed extension would be set back from the front elevation by 4.8m, with the two- storey element no closer to the boundary than the current property


9.15     The proposal is considered to be acceptable in terms of its design and appearance and is considered to comply with Policies CS7 of the CSDPD, EN20 of the BFBLP, and BF1 of the Binfield Neighbourhood Plan.


iii.           Impact on Residential Amenity


9.16     Policy EN20 criterion vii seeks proposals which will not adversely affect the amenity of surrounding properties. Paragraph 127 (f) of the NPPF requires a high standard of amenity for existing and future users. Policy BF1 of the BNP seeks development which would protect the amenities of neighbouring residents.


9.17     Further details are contained within the Council’s Design SPD.  This document recommends a minimum distance of 22m between facing windows to the rear of properties.


9.18     A previous scheme was refused and dismissed at appeal due to overlooking and proximity to the properties to the rear. This current scheme has been amended, reducing the projection to the rear and proposes no new rear facing windows. The ground floor projection would be separated by the boundary treatments. 


9.19     A new first floor side window is proposed to the southern elevation. This would face the driveway of Whispers, the detached chalet bungalow to the south of the application site. Closest to Whitegates, Whispers has an integral garage with roof lights set within the roof. The windows serving habitable rooms are on the opposite side of the dwelling to Whitegates. The front of a property is considered to be the least private aspect and is generally viewable from the public highway. Overlooking of this space is not considered to result in a significant loss of amenity to the occupiers of Whitegates.


9.20     Given this, it is considered that the proposal would protect the amenities of the occupiers of 1 Woodies Close and hence would not be contrary to Policy EN20 criterion vii of the BFBLP.


iv.           Transport and Highway Considerations


9.21     The site currently contains a 3-bedroom dwelling and 6 guesthouse bedsits. Whilst there would be no change to the proposed mix, the Highway Authority has raised concerns and subsequent objected about the large "sitting areas" proposed for bedsits 5 & 6, along with separate kitchen/breakfast areas proposed for bedsits 2 and 3 and large proposed bedrooms for the 'house'.


9.22     Whilst this concern is noted, the application has to be determined in accordance with the plans submitted and not ‘what if’s’. This application does not apply for change of use or any new additional bedrooms to the bedsits and as such there is no change to the on-site parking requirements.  Whilst the bedsits are to be enlarged, the applicant has stated at the time of the previous application, that this was to meet a market demand. 


9.23     The proposal is therefore considered to be in accordance with Policy M9 of the BFBLP and Policy CS23 of the CSDPD which, inter alia, seek to increase the safety of travel and require development proposals to provide an adequate level of off-street parking provision.




10.1     The application seeks extensions to the existing guest house. The application would result in extensions to both sides and across the whole rear elevation.


10.2     Since the appeal the application has been amended so no new windows are proposed closer to the properties on Woodies Close to the north of the application site. Whilst a side window is proposed, it is set back from the boundary and looks across the front driveway of the neighbouring property and views into habitable windows would be obscure.


10.3     The proposal would not result in an unacceptable loss of amenities to neighbouring residents, or be of detriment to the character of the area. The application is therefore considered to comply with policies CS7 of the Core Strategy DPD, EN20 of the Bracknell Forest Local Plan. As no additional bedroom accommodation is being proposed, there is no requirements for additional off-street car parking.


10.4     Accordingly, subject to conditions the application is recommended for approval.




11.1 The application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-



01.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.      

            REASON:  To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th January 2022:

            -Site plan

            -MAK/21/03 (Proposed ground floor plan)

            -MAK/21/04 (Proposed first floor plan)

            -MAK/21/05 (Proposed elevations and site/roof plan)


            REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


03.       The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall be of similar appearance to those of the existing building.

            REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

            [Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]